A 9/11 Prayer for 2014

Blessed Savior,
we speak of celestial beings that attend thee,
we sing of spacious skies,
we think of heaven as up,
no matter where we stand on the
round jewel that is our home…
But again, like many years ago
the skies have not been friendly…
planes brought down by violence,
by accident,
or simply lost.
We are brought up short by such loss,
and humbled in our powerlessness
before forces of hatred and avarice.
Then we are reminded that we are not our own,
that we belong to a loving Creator,
and that we are called to be people of hope –
that the practice of hope is a practice of faith,
and we believe –
that you can soften hardened hearts,
that faith, hope and love abide…
and that the greatest of these is love…
your love for us,
our love for one another,
and the love we are called to…
to love the stranger,
to love our enemies.
Fill us with your love,
that we might change lives,
and follow on your way.

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