Hope United Church of Christ
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Video: vimeo.com/367598507
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Like churches, corporations do not always notice the world changing before it is too late. Just ask Polaroid. Oh, you can’t…
Now, on a scale that includes Purdue Pharma, the opioid pushers, razor blade companies are fairly innocent small fry. But a couple of decades ago, the industry entered a sort of arms race. More blades, more gel strips, more skin guards, every feature the latest in technology guaranteeing the smoothest shave, each promise about as real as the ridiculous line of 3D toothpaste being peddled in the super market, as if brushing your teeth in only two dimensions were an option.
At each step, the price of razor blades went up.
Then two things happened to put a dent in that market. Hipsters started growing beards, which became cool. I don’t know whether it was irony, cost efficiency, laziness, or some combination of the above, but razor sales started dropping. In the meantime, folks like me started looking for alternatives. I chose an old fashioned safety razor. I’ve probably saved more than a thousand dollars in the last five years, even if it has cost me a little blood.
Entrepreneurs figured out that consumers were rebelling, and started cost efficient direct to consumer sales on a subscription model. One such company was Harry’s, founded in 2013. The next year they purchased their own razor factory in Germany so they could control the whole process from factory to consumer. In May, the company sold for $1.4 billion, ironically enough, to one of the traditional razor manufacturers.
Alas, I have not figured out how to escape the cost insanity of electric toothbrush heads. I know I could just get an old-school toothbrush, but they just aren’t as effective, and I like having teeth. So it was that I was out spending a ridiculous amount on a new head for my Sonicare toothbrush recently, when I decided to wander over to the book section. And there, filed under non-fiction, I discovered the Bible.
Now, in actual brick and mortar bookstores, the shelf would be labeled Bibles, or Inspiration, or something, anything, may God help me, besides non-fiction. But there it was, as I prepared to preach today’s text about scripture. It was enough to stop a thinking pastor in her tracks, and it did stop this pastor in his. At least I had enough sense not to find an hourly employ and suggest it be moved. Continue reading “Like Literally, Dude – October 20, 2019”