Communion Prayer, Words of Institution and Consecration

The following rite was composed using traditional forms. Please note that the witnesses listed near the end of the Communion prayer change monthly. This is the rite we use most frequently and services, though there is a second rite in which the people speak the words of institution which is also used.

Communion Prayer

O Divine Mystery we name as God, it is right and proper that we should come together as your people to offer you thanks and praise, acknowledging our utter dependence on you. In holy creativity you wrote a new story, calling the world into being, choreographing the dance of the atom, composing cosmic symphonies. In the story of the Hebrew people, we hear our own story, slowly discovering a world charged with your grace and glory, and growing in faith. Through the prophets, we draw closer to your way of life and love. In the surprising story of Jesus, we encounter you as God-with-us, we are drawn to your light, and with Jesus we are crucified and resurrected into new life, knowing that sin and death will never have the final word, for he is your Word, spoken to us and for us. We look forward to his coming again. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are bound in covenant one to another and to a common cause, to see your will be done in our world.

We thank you for the church historical and universal, and raise our voices in prayerful thanks for all who have served the common good, servants of love, those who have followed the Way of Jesus, and those who have followed other paths. We thank you for Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and for the prophet Amos, for Harriet Tubman and for Benedict of Nursia, for all who spoke and speak God’s challenging word, do God’s challenging bidding. Joining our song with theirs, with choirs of angels and saints, we boldly proclaim your praise:


Words of Institution

We recall the stories of Jesus’ birth, his baptism and his ministry of healing and teaching, of proclaiming God’s kingdom and of re-shaping the religious structures of his day. We remember his courageous entry into Jerusalem, the constant attacks of the scribes and Pharisees who opposed his good news and his reforms. On that night, before he was betrayed, tortured and executed, he shared a meal with his disciples, taught them and prayed for them. Jesus took a loaf of bread, gave you thanks, then broke it and shared it with them, saying “Take, eat. This is my Body which is given for you. Do this to remember me.”

When the meal had ended, he took the cup of wine and again gave you thanks. He gave them the cup saying “Drink this, all of you. This is my blood, a new covenant, shed for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins. Do this to remember me.”

Prayer of Consecration

Let us pray. Spirit of God, sanctify this loaf and this cup, this divine feast, transformed and transforming, so that as Christ becomes part of us, we might become part of him, bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh, symbols of God’s work in this world. Amen.

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